Group Info

Must meet hotel's minimum room requirements, which vary by hotel. At a minimum 5 rooms are required.

Contact Info

Complimentary Nights/Rooms & Rebates

How would you like the complimentary nights/rooms applied (if applicable)?
How would you like the rebates applied (if applicable)?
IMPORTANT: All resort comps and rebates, if applicable, are reviewed and assessed within 30 days after travel. There are two options to have applicable comps and rebates refunded. The first option is that it is paid to your client(s) and the second option is that it is paid to you, the booking agent, as an added commission. At the time of requesting your Express Group Code you must identify on the Express Group Request Form whether you are selecting Option 1 or 2. Once the Express Groups team confirms comp and rebate amounts to you, after travel, you have 14 days to review and approve this. If we do not hear from you within 14 days, we will process the amount as per your designation on the Express Group Request Form. Note, if you opted to refund to your client(s), it cannot exceed the original amount charged on that client’s credit card. Note, rebates do not apply to bookings with complimentary rooms.

Thank you for inquiring with Vacation Express!